Macro Trade - Actions speak louder than words

Macro Trade is a high yield investment program managed by Forteco Trading LTD and it was started about 5 months ago.
The company behind MacroTrade, Forteco Trading LTD, is an offshore investment company incorporated in Seychelles with their business address: Albany House, 324/326 Regent Street, London, UK, W1B 3HH, Telephone number +44 20 3468 4237, Fax +44 20 7127 5284.

Investment Plans
Macro Trade offers its investors 4 investment plans.
They differ from each other depending on the investment limits and risk exposure.
The maturity period is 180 business days for all investment plans.At the end of the maturity period, the principal amount is returned to the investor.
This new offer is available during summer up till September 15 and plans look as follows:

Basic Partner: 1.4% daily for 120 business days. The deposit amount is from 10 to 2,999 USD/EUR (1.2% daily for 180 days in a standard offer)

Advanced Partner: 1.9% daily for 120 business days. The deposit amount is from 3,000 to 10,000 USD/EUR (1.7% daily for 180 days in a standard offer)

Professional Partner: 2.1% daily for 120 business days. The deposit amount is from 10,000 to 50,000 USD/EUR (2% daily for 180 days in a standard offer)

Royal Partner: 2.4% daily for 120 business days. The deposit amount is from 50,000 USD/EUR (2.2% daily for 180 days in a standard offer.

The amount of money you earn will depend on the amount of money you invest (including compounding) and on the total of the company's profit for each trading day.
The more you invest — the bigger the profit you will receive!
Our system enables you to decide how much to invest by choosing the profits that you plan to receive.
You can compound your interest if you desire. Compounding allows an investor to earn an interest not only on the original investment, but also on the reinvestment of his/her daily income.
You can choose all or part of your daily income to be reinvested.
You are welcome to use our Calculator to better understand the effect of compounding.
*) Vacation Plans – Compounding is available. Compounding can't be decreased and can be increased only.
Payment Systems
MacroTrade accepts different online payment systems (Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney, Solidtrustpay) and Bank Wire as deposit and withdrawal methods. Solidtrustpay is a payment processor based in Canada and require verification; Libertyreserve and Perfectmoney are based in an offshore jurisdiction.
